Pica, Pica 6, 2022
Pica, Pica 5, 2021
A Wing, A Halo, 2019
Between Two Things, 2019
Bubblegum, 2019
Hopscotch, 2019
It was so dark, I could see the stars, 2019
Let's Be Friends, Collage Painting, 2019
Jellow, 2018
Lomas, 2018
When a Tree Holds You Up, 2018
Uprooted, 2017-2019
rainbows on my studio floor, 2016
Remembering Sol LeWitt, 2016
somewhere between a butterfly and a bee, 2016
Aura on the Fly, 2014
c.c. 4, 2014
Swarm, 2014
slurp, 2013
Chill, 2011
lemonade, 2010
Two Eggs Over Easy, 2010
best friends forever, 2009
black cherry pit, 2009
dadadahlia, 2005-2008
Lap Drawing: Bowing Horse, 2003
Lap Drawing, Mermaid, 2002
Lap Drawing: Elephant from the rear, 2002
Lap Drawing: Shoe in Hand, 2002
Lap Drawing: Watch My Back, 2002
Lost, 2002
Lap Drawing: (Ramon's) Boat, 2001
Lap Drawing: Celia's Large Portrait, 2001
Lap Drawing: Celia's Small Portrait, 2001
Lap Drawing: Chicken (Honey), 2001
Lap Drawing: Dude Ranch Horse, 2001
Lap Drawing: Elephant on the Move, 2001
Lap Drawing: Pigeon, 2001
Collage after Cezanne, 1996
Convention, 1996
Extension, 1996
Inside/Out, 1996
Intention, 1996
Jimmy, 1996
Louise, 1996
Mambo Diamond, 1996
Ramon, 1996
Tossing Pennies, 1995
Breast, Naval, Eye, 1993
John Street Series, No. 9, 1988
Red Maracas, 1986/87
Stranger, 1985
Weeping Cows, 1981
Walking in Blue, from Air Paintings, (2017-2019), 2018
Estoy Bien: Side B
Hopscotch: Side B
Jellow: Side B
Lomas: Side B
Red Puddle: Side B
Uprooted: Side B
Walking in Blue: Side B
When A Tree Holds You Up: Side B